General Description
The SDG11DF33 family of integrated thermopile sensor for NDIR (Infrared gas detection) is a dual channel thermopile sensor having an output signal voltage directly proportional to the incident infrared (IR) radiation power. An infrared narrow band pass filter in front of the sensor makes the device sensitive to target gas concentration. Reference channel provides compensation for all applicable conditions. The SDG11DF33 comprising a new type CMOS compatible thermopile sensor chip features good sensitivity, small temperature coefficient of sensitivity as well as high reproducibility and reliability. A high-precision thermistor reference chip is also integrated for ambient temperature compensation.
SDG11DF33 NDIR CH4 sensor detect Methane(CH4) concentration from 0 to 100% based on NDIR technology which is superior than thermal catalysis and thermal conductivity technology. It has advantages of convenient operation, accurate measurement, reliable operation, simultaneous output of voltage and serial port, and double beam design. It meets the different requirements of industrial field and laboratory measurement, and is widely used in gas detection and analysis in petrochemical, chemical, coal mine, medical and laboratory fields.
It has the features of:
NDIR technology with long lifespan and full measurement range
Internal full range temperature compensation
Diffusion sampling, stable performance
High precision
Compact size,fast response
Corrosion prevention
Easy install and less maintenance
Compatible with digital and analog voltage signal output
Features and Benefits
Electrical Characteristics

Pin Configurations & Package Outlines